God is saying to you today.. My dear child, I know you expect a lot of things from Me. But, let me tell you one thing, I have stored a lot of blessings for you than your expectations. Some of those blessings may take time. A delay does not mean that it is denied. I am preparing you for it. Just check on the things that have happened in your life. Certain things have made you cry at first, but later did you thank Me for the good blessing that came out of that. Some of the things did not happen as you wish. When you see a girl or boy, you may fall in love with him or her, and later you will ask Me for your marriage with him or her. When you see a job opportunity in a newspaper or somewhere else you ask Me to give it to you. Like that you expect a lot of things from Me. But what you forget to say is that, “if it is your will let it be done in my life and let it lead for Your glory.” Did you ever say this first before you asked Me for something. This is the reason why you always get frustrated and lose your faith in Me when you do not get what you have asked Me for. You always forget whether what you have asked or you are asking is according to My will or not. Remember, I have given you a promise that I will provide the things that you exactly needed. So, have faith in Me. You know about Abraham, Esther, Jacob, David, Joseph. They all believed in Me and I never disappointed them. Have faith in Me, My child. I know what is best for you. In the right time, I will provide it to you. All you have to do is trust Me.