But grace abounds 🌿
Such a beautiful message & shirt from @letters4luv 🤍 God’s grace is abounding, no matter our circumstances. We are so undeserving, yet the Lord gives us grace abundantly. So so thankful!
This shirt is such a wonderful reminder of this truth. It launches over at @letters4luv shop tomorrow, Friday, February 19th at 8pm! Use the code “TATIANA” for 10% off your order during this weekend only! (Feb 19-21)
This shirt is a stunning shade of green and soo comfy! Happy shopping, friends! 🤍
“Now the law came in to increase the trespass, but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.” Romans 5:20 🌿

He will never “leave” you or forsake you :) Inspired by @lorelais.bible #emm…