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    There is a purpose behind every pain

    God, I Praise You and thank you for all that you have done in my life. Lord, you know all my pains but I know that there is a purpose behind every pain that I have. Help me to patiently wait for the things that are meant for me. May You fill this day with […] More

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    You will rescue me in times of troubles

    Dear Lord, I really believe that when I cry for help, you will remind me of your greatness and the hope that you have promised not only for me but for each and every one of us. You helped me before and I know you will do it again. I trust you because I know […] More

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    Help me to overcome the temptations

    Lord, sometimes I’ve felt far away from you, and I believe the cause behind this is my sins. Please forgive me and I invited you to live in my heart. Lord, please also help me to overcome the temptations from this world. And I want to feel your presence with me. I trust in you […] More

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    Comfort me and give me strength

    Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you today as humble as I know how. Lord, I’ve been suffering, and I don’t know what to do. I don’t even know what to say, but I know you are my only hope. This is my cry for help. Hear my cries, Lord. Comfort me, give me strength […] More

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    Increase my understanding of you

    Dear Lord, please help me this day. Give me eyes to see how you are at work in every one of my circumstances. Lord, give me perseverance to increase my understanding of you. Give me a hunger heart to read your Word and to seek to know you more each day. Help me to trust […] More

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    Your love is stronger than anything

    Father God, help me learn to be satisfied with Your love above all else. You are the only One who can satisfy my longing to find love and acceptance. Help me have eyes to see it when I’m tempted by lesser loves. I know your love is stronger than anything on this earth. Thank You […] More

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    Lord, let your peace prevail in the world

    Father God, the world is in chaos right now. Some places do not have peace. Lord, let your love, comfort and peace prevail in every corner of the world. Let the whole world know that the true peace and freedom is from you and your words. You’re our ever-present help in troubled times. In Jesus’ […] More

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    Let me feel your holy presence

    Dear Father, Creator of all things and the Author of life. Lord, thank you for teaching me the importance of prayer. Help me to pray more every day. Because I really believe that the more I pray, the more strength I receive from you. Lord, when I pray, let me feel your holy presence. You […] More

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    Give me the peace of the mind and heart

    Heavenly Father, the evil noise of this world seems to grow louder and louder. Help me focus on you and not be distracted by the chaos around me. Give me the peace of the mind and heart. Lord, please hold me and I want to hear Your comforting voice above all else. I need you […] More

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    You are worthy to be praised

    Father God, Creator of visible and invisible things. You are worthy to be praised for who You are. I am so thankful for Your sovereignty that guides, protects, and holds my life together. Be my hope and peace, continue to strengthen my faith in you. Help me be a light to others who also need […] More

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    You are in control

    Father God, I praise You for Your mighty providential hand in my life. You are in control and You work every detail for my good and for Your glory. Lord, even if this world is full of problems and anxieties, but I still choose to trust You and rest in Your sovereignty. I know there […] More

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    You are always with me

    Our most gracious and loving heavenly Father, You’re the source of my strength and the strength of my life. Lord, thank You for helping me when I am down, disturbed and stressed. Thank You for always reminding me that You are always with me. You are powerful, you are faithful and I know you are […] More

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