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    I want to surrender everything to You

    Dear God, you know those things that are in my heart right now. I want to surrender everything to You, because I trust you. I know that you can do more than I could ever guess, imagine or request in my dreams. God, please help me to hold onto hope and please strengthen my faith. […] More

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    Develop in us a pattern of turning to you first

    Lord, we know that you never promised us that this world would be easy on us, yet we are still shocked by its depravity and injustice. Soothe our wounds, Lord. Save us, Lord Jesus, from ourselves, and our own toxic thought spirals. Develop in us a pattern of turning to you first, every day, so […] More

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    Your plans for us are good

    Father, Give us undivided hearts, that we may rely on your faithfulness. Let us break the pattern of running on the hamster wheel full of anxious thoughts and man-made solutions, and lift our arms, voices, and eyes fully to you in full surrender and praise. You are in control, even when our world is unraveling. […] More

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    Lord, search my heart

    Lord, search my heart, and show me any person that I may have negative feelings towards. I ask for wisdom on how to cultivate peace and walk free from bitterness. Give me a heart for those that I don’t understand and help me to always walk in your love. Help me to do my part […] More

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    Live at peace with everyone

    Dear Lord, thank you for being a loving and forgiving God. I thank you for your example of how to live and walk in peace and forgiveness. I look forward to opportunities to live at peace with everyone. Although the world may teach me to take revenge, I choose to follow your way instead. In […] More

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    I lift my eyes up to you

    Thank you Lord, that you are good. Thank you for the truth of your holy words, that my help comes from you. Thank you Father, that you are always there. I lift my eyes up to you. I thank you that I can turn to you at any moment. Lord, I bring you all of […] More

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    Fill me with your presence, Lord

    Dear Lord, as I come to you in prayer, help me overcome all the challenges. Forgive me for not seeing how you’ve been working in my life and answering prayers. Help me remember those answered prayers as I trust in you to do it again. Fill me with your presence, Lord, so I may overflow […] More

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    Help me to keep my eyes on you

    Dear God, may you be glorified in my actions, in my relationships, in my thoughts and in every activity I participate. Help me to keep my eyes on you and to view each situation as an opportunity for you to do a mighty work in my life. Please visit us today and may You perform […] More

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    Be a vessel for you to work through

    Dear Lord, You are the Almighty, the Creator, the God of all. Help me as I go through this day. Help me to put aside my will and to discard any of my plans that are standing in the way from your plans. Open my heart to see things the way that you do, to […] More

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    You have been so gracious toward me

    Lord, please forgive me if I don’t want to extend grace to other people. But I know you have been so gracious toward me- all my life you have lavished grace on me as I’ve sinned against you. Help me be humble. Help me see my part to play. Help me give grace and love […] More

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    Thank you for your promise

    Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for your promise to fill my cup when I feel empty. With this hectic life and the challenges I face, I forget that you are the source of my strength, joy, and peace. Forgive me for relying on my own ability, leaving me depleted. Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank […] More

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