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    An instrument for healing

    Lord, You know better than I am that I often say hurtful things without thinking of them. Please guide my lips and hold my tongue whenever I want to say something that I have not yet consulted with You. Always remind me that while knives and swords cut deep, words cause more pain that last […] More

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    Direct my mind to know Your solution

    Dear heavenly Father, take away the stressful thoughts and emotions that are leading me to confusion. Direct my mind to know Your solution to every problem. Teach me not to rely on my experience or previous knowledge, but on the rich resource of Scripture. Once I begin reading Your word and consulting You with what […] More

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    Live righteously in Your sight

    Merciful and loving Father, my goal today is to live righteously in Your sight. Remind me Your words, O God, that I may know which way I should go, or which decision I should make. I pray that You help me to always follow Your commands and live a life pleasing to You. As mentioned […] More

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    Help me set my priorities

    Our most gracious heavenly Father, I pray that You help me set my priorities straight. I may have studies, or a career to take care of, or a home to manage. However, ultimately, my first priority should be You, O God. Guide me and lead me to a life that puts You first no matter […] More

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    Grow and mature in my faith

    Father God, my desire for this year is to grow and mature in my faith. It does not just mean to know more from Your word, or become intelligent in the principles of the Bible. It is a conscious effort to put into practice everything I know about You and Your word. Unless I become […] More

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    Bring me into the light

    Thank You, Father, for taking me out of the dark and bringing me into the light. Guide me, O God, that I may continue to walk the right path You have set for me. May I never return to the darkness anymore, through the power of Your Holy Spirit. Once I begin to consistently walk […] More

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    Train me to be a leader

    Dear righteous God, train me to be a leader in whatever group I am a part of. Whether it is in church or at work, may I exemplify the qualities of a good Christian and a dependable leader. But do not let me forget that in order to be a good leader, I should first […] More

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    Pray for everyone who is sick

    Dear God, I pray for everyone who is sick and physically weak, and also others who may need spiritual and emotional strength. The situation may look dire and hopeless, but as our Great Healer we know You can heal all kinds of diseases, with or without the help of science and medicine. That is why […] More

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    My heart will trust in my Lord

    Dear Father in heaven, guide me today that I would keep myself from loving material things over spiritual things. Help me understand, O God, that loving money is not only the root of all evil, but also the cause of many problems and sufferings in one’s life. Instead of looking for material things, direct my […] More

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