First, we identify the lie.
A lie is anything that doesn’t line up with God’s goodness for you. A lie has the odor of condemnation, judgment, fear, guilt, anxiety, hopelessness and more. However, the truth is that God has good plans for you (Jeremiah 29.11). He made you into a masterpiece (Ephesians 2.10). He can redeem any situation (Romans 8.28).
Second, we replace the lie with God’s truth.
Truth is all of God’s promises found in the Bible that are ours through Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 1.20). Both the Old Testament and New Testament point to our Ulitmate Truth, which is Jesus, God’s Son. Through Jesus, there are no hopeless endings (1 Timothy 1.1-2 NLT). He has taken all of our brokenness, so we could be whole and healed in mind, body, soul and spirit (Isaiah 53.4-5 NLT).
Third, we can stay on the offensive by consuming God’s Word.
As we read, meditate and memorize God’s Truth, we fill our mind with the wonderful things of God (Psalm 40.8). The more our mind is filled with God’s truth of love, goodness, favor and grace, the less the enemy can sneak in lies. All lies come from the devil (John 8.44). Satan seeks our destruction, but Jesus has already granted us His abundant, blessed life (John 10.10). Lies can’t take root if there is no room, and when we flood our minds with Christian resources (the Bible, sermons, Christian music, podcasts and books), fear will be dispersed.