Heartwarming photo captures walmart cashier helping nervous elderly man count his change

”My heart was warmed at Wal-Mart during lunch.
This gentleman’s items were scanned and he was given the total. He looks apologetically back at me and starts taking handfuls of change out of his pockets. He miscounts and starts to get flustered. Gives me a muttered, “I’m so sorry.” His hands and voice are shaking. This beautiful cashier takes his hands and dumps all the change on the counter and says, “This is not a problem, honey. We will do this together.” He continues to apologize to both of us as we reassure him it’s ok. They get his transaction handled and he shuffles away.
I looked at this wonderful woman and said, “Thank-you for being so patient with him.”
She shakes her head and replies, “You shouldn’t have to thank me, baby. What’s wrong with our world is we’ve forgotten how to love one another.”
I want to be more like her.”

Credit: Spring Herbison Bowlin

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