I just wanna be real.
I’m not perfect. never have been & never will be. please please please don’t think that just because I share something, I have it all down. often, I don’t.
we can’t do it on our own; only with the Lord’s help & guidance.
social media tends to be a highlight reel. I don’t share everything I think or struggle with on here. some of that doesn’t belong on here. but some does.
I share my faith & whatever the Lord is teaching me on this page to hopefully be a light on this app & encourage others to seek the Lord & read His Word.
but once again, I’m not perfect. an example, I don’t always read my Bible. I try to daily. it’s a discipline the Lord is working on with me continuously.
it’s okay if you’re in the same spot or even if you do have it all down. we are all in different places along our walks with Christ. and that’s the beautiful thing: we can all help one another & be praying for one another as the body of Christ.
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17 🌿
inspo: @jesus.loves.coffee 🙂

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