Jesus loves you. 🤍
It’s true. Although it’s not the whole story of the gospel, it is an awesome way to initiate conversations with others. I love that @jesuslovesyoucompany strives to start these conversations through their apparel, accessories, and stickers.
Jesus loves you. No matter your past. He loves you so much, He died on the cross for your sins and mine, so we would not have to face hell and eternal separation from God. We come to the Lord as we are, messy, broken and sinful. We don’t need to clean ourselves up or get our lives together before seeking God. A repentant and willing heart is all He asks for. In Jesus, you are a new creation. He loves us too much to leave us unchanged. That‘s the beauty of the gospel.🌿
Jesus loves you. Let that be a conversation-starter that opens the door to sharing the gospel with those around us 🤍

“I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out …