pray for child-like faith – embrace the innocence and trust that brings us closer to God’s Kingdom


In Matthew 18:3, Jesus emphasizes the importance of humility and innocence in our faith. He calls us to change and become like little children in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This verse highlights the qualities of a child: trust, simplicity, and a willingness to believe without hesitation. In a world that often challenges our faith with complexities and doubts, we are reminded to return to a child’s heart—a heart that is open, curious, and eager to embrace love and guidance. It is through this transformation that we can truly experience the fullness of God’s kingdom in our lives. As we reflect on this, let us consider the ways we can embody child-like faith, examining our hearts to let go of pride, cynicism, or self-sufficiency that might overshadow our pursuit of God.


Heavenly Father, we come before You with humble hearts, recognizing that understanding Your ways and receiving Your grace often requires us to lay aside our adult burdens and assumptions. In Your wisdom, You created each of us with a divine purpose, drawing us to Yourself through the innocence and openness of childhood. Today, we seek to embrace the attributes of child-like faith that You have called us to embody.

Help us, Lord, to shed the layers of doubt and skepticism that have developed over the years. Teach us to trust in Your plans, even when the path forward seems unclear. In moments of uncertainty, remind us to approach You with curiosity, like a child yearning to learn more about their loving parent. May our faith be adorned with simplicity, allowing us to bask in the richness of Your love without the need for complicated answers.

Lord, encourage us to model our trust in You after the little children who believe wholeheartedly without reservation. When faced with challenges, instill in us the courage to rely on Your strength rather than our own. Let our hearts be open, receptive to the truth of Your Word, and willing to be molded by Your loving hands.

Grant us the grace to share this child-like faith with those around us, inspiring others to seek the comfort and joy that comes from knowing You deeply. As we journey through life, may we remember that entering Your Kingdom involves not only believing but truly embodying the spirit of innocence and trust that You have called us to reflect. In moments of doubt, help us to turn our hearts back to You, finding reassurance as we place our lives in Your capable hands.

Thank You, Lord, for Your constant invitation to come to You just as we are. We pray for the humility to embrace this calling daily and for the wisdom to recognize the beauty of child-like faith in all its simplicity. May our lives shine as a testament to Your love and grace, drawing others to experience the wonder of Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

pray for strength in overwhelming moments – God’s grace is more than enough to see us through.

pray for understanding of grace – it empowers us to live a life aligned with God’s will.