With church doors shutting across America, it is time for us to show that church has never been about the building. The essence of the church resides within each of us—a community of believers who carry faith in our hearts and share love with one another. As we navigate these challenging times, let us remember that the body of Christ is not confined to four walls; it thrives wherever we gather in His name. Our worship, fellowship, and service must go beyond physical spaces, reaching out to those in need and embodying the love of Christ in our everyday lives.
Dear Lord, thank You for reminding us that the church is more than a building; it is the community of believers that You have called together. Help us to be the light in the world, reflecting Your love and hope wherever we go. May we serve those around us with compassion and kindness, showing Your grace in all we do. Strengthen our faith and unite us as one body, so we may continue to spread Your message of love and salvation. Amen.