If God could close the lions’ mouth for Daniel, part the Red Sea for Moses, and make the sun stand still for Joshua, then His power knows no limits. He opened the prison for Peter, brought joy to Sarah with the gift of a baby, and raised Lazarus from the dead. In recognizing these miraculous events, we are reminded that God can certainly take care of you, no matter the challenges you face. All He asks is for you to have faith in Him.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the countless miracles You have performed throughout history and in our lives. Help us to strengthen our faith in Your ability to provide, protect, and guide us. Lord, when we face trials, remind us of Your mighty power and the faithfulness You have shown to Your people. May we trust in Your plan, knowing that You are always with us. Grant us peace in our hearts and resolve in our spirit as we lean on You.
In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.