You are not too dirty for God to cleanse. No matter the weight of your past or the shame you carry, God’s love is deeper than your worst mistakes. His grace is sufficient to wash away any stain and make you new.
You are not too broken for God to fix. Every crack and wound in your heart can be mended by the Master Craftsman who knows your pain and sees your potential. Trust that He can restore what feels irreparable.
You are not too far for God to reach. No matter how lost or distant you feel, God’s arm is always extended towards you. He is constantly pursuing your heart, waiting for you to turn back to Him.
You are not too guilty for God to forgive. The weight of guilt can be heavy, but God’s mercy is heavier. He offers forgiveness freely, and all you need to do is accept it.
You are not too worthless for God to use. Each person has inherent value in God’s eyes, created for a purpose. He sees your worth and calls you into a destiny filled with hope and promise.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your incredible love and mercy. I come before You, acknowledging my imperfections and the burdens I carry. Help me to understand that I am not too dirty, broken, far, guilty, or worthless for You. I ask for Your cleansing power to wash over me, for Your healing touch to mend my brokenness, and for Your forgiveness to renew my spirit.
Lord, help me to grasp the truth of my worth in You. May I walk in the confidence that I am loved and valued by You, and that You have great plans for my life. Guide me to trust in Your promises and to share this message of hope with others who may feel lost.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen!