pray for inclusivity – Jesus’ love transcends all barriers and embraces every individual.


“Jesus is not selective. He loves us all.” This powerful statement reminds us that the love of Jesus transcends all barriersā€”race, nationality, social status, and personal history. It serves as a beautiful reflection of God’s unconditional love for every individual. No one is excluded from His grace. In a world that often exhibits division, the message of Jesus compels us to embrace inclusivity and compassion. His love calls us to extend kindness and acceptance to everyone we encounter, recognizing that humanity is woven from the same fabric of creation.


Dear Lord, thank You for Your boundless love that embraces all of us without distinction. Help us to reflect this love in our daily lives and to treat everyone we meet with grace and kindness. May we be instruments of Your peace in a world that craves acceptance and harmony. Teach us to be more inclusive and to celebrate the diversity within Your creation. Let us remember that every person is deserving of Your love. In Jesusā€™ name, we pray, Amen.

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