pray for strength in challenges – His name is our refuge, guiding us through trials and filling our hearts with peace.

“Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.” In every moment of our lives, the name of Jesus brings comfort, hope, and strength. It serves as a reminder of His presence and His love that surrounds us. When we utter His name, we invite His power into our situations and acknowledge His sovereignty over all. No matter what challenges we face, we can find solace in the truth that Jesus is with us. His name is our refuge, guiding us through trials and filling our hearts with peace.

Dear Lord, we thank You for the power that is in Your name, Jesus. Help us to remember to call upon You in our times of need. May Your name be ever-present in our lives, bringing us comfort, guidance, and strength. As we face the challenges of each day, let us find peace in knowing You are always by our side. Teach us to lean on You and trust in Your goodness. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

pray for boldness in faith – be unashamed of your Savior and share His love with the world.

pray for faith in God’s provision – Jesus is faithful; He will meet you in your need.