So sorry for my inactivity on this page over the last few months, but more specifically in the last couple weeks. I really do love sharing about Jesus + the gospel on this platform the Lord has blessed me with and interacting with y’all, but prior to the last couple weeks, I’d barely had a moment to myself and life was pretty chaotic.
I’ve been focusing on & praying for God to help me in being more intentional with my time & being present with those around me. Over the last few weeks, I spent so much less time on social media & my phone in general. And the time I did spend was intentional and limited.
During the last two weeks, Anthony & I drove 14 hours each way to visit my family in Oregon. We both returned home, although physically exhausted, we were spiritually, mentally & emotionally rejuvenated. I spent so much time with family (my side & his), a few close & wonderful friends, attended my old home church that will always have a piece of my heart & adventured in the beautiful forests of Southern Oregon that God handcrafted Himself. 🌿
One night during this trip, I felt saddened that it would soon be over and was journaling prayers to the Lord about these thoughts & feelings when I felt prompted to write a list of blessings from the trip so far. It was just over halfway through the trip & there were so many things, both big & small, and many more that weren’t included on the list that reminded me not only of how blessed I am, but most importantly, how incredibly GOOD God is!
Here’s a list of some of the things I wrote:
– getting to see my grandparents, family & a couple of close friends
– hiking in the beautiful southern Oregon forests + wilderness
– visiting my childhood home & high school
– meeting new people, seeing old friends
– finished my second year of college
– attended church at my old home church
– rainy days + crisp, clean air
– playing soccer with an old coach of mine
– long road trips + drives
– much quality time with Anthony
And so much more!
Like just wow. These are earthly things, but many of them are so simple & they were just such bright reminders of His beautiful + awe-inspiring goodness. 🤍
Swipe to read the last bit!🌲

Jesus is the reason for the season! CHRISTMAS COLLAB with @kateskreationss_ @h…