y’all I want to be open and honest about something. for the longest time, I spent hours on a single chapter of the Bible at a time, highlighting the whole thing in various colors to match a color code & filling the margins with notes.
it had gotten to the point where I dreaded reading my Bible because of all the highlighting and note-taking I felt like I had to do. even though I was learning & studying in depth, the method felt like a chore.
it was wrong in so many ways. I was convicted by the Holy Spirit within the last couple weeks: all I need is the Bible. you & I don’t need fancy pens or notes to fill our bibles or make them look used; that’s a lie straight from Satan to push us away from the true purpose of reading God’s Word. it’s not all about you or me. or how pretty our Bible looks. we should be reading God’s Word to learn about Him. it’s about the Lord before ourselves. it’s about getting to know our Creator, our Father. and learning how to glorify Him every day.
let me also say, its not a bad thing to use colorful highlighters or pens as long as they don’t become an idol or distraction from His Word. I’ve found using a simple black pen and highlighters for minimal doodles while I’m studying works best for me. 🌿
““Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them.” Jonah 2:8

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, …