Your love was greater

“My sin was great; Your love was greater.” This powerful statement reminds us of the boundless love that God has for us, despite our shortcomings. No matter how far we stray or how heavy our burdens may seem, God’s love is always there to embrace us. His grace covers a multitude of sins, offering forgiveness and a fresh start. In our moments of failure and despair, we can find hope in the reality that His love transcends our sinfulness.

Dear Lord, thank You for Your immense love that far outweighs my sin. Help me to remember that no mistake is too great for Your grace to cover. When I feel ashamed or unworthy, remind me of the depth of Your love and the forgiveness You freely offer. May I walk in the light of Your love, striving to reflect that love to others. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

You will always win

When You Forgive Others