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    It is more blessed to give, than to receive

    Dear heavenly Father, thank You for the blessings that always arrive whenever I need them. But may You also remind me to share these gifts with others who are in need. I pray that I will always stay true to what Your word says, “it is more blessed to give, than to receive.” May I […] More

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    Strengthen my faith

    Blessed Father, there may be countless problems and trials in this life, but I know for a fact that all these situations are working together for my good. Help me to strengthen my faith and always believe that You are in control. Remind me that troubles come so that my faith would grow and mature, […] More

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    I will stand by my faith no matter how

    Loving Father, give me the courage to stand for what is right. May the lessons and principles I have learned from Your word do not go to waste as I apply them in different situations in life. Other people may not understand my belief, but I will stand by my faith no matter how. Instead […] More

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    Seek Your guidance

    Our loving Father, I seek Your guidance in the responsibilities I need to finish today. I may be limited in strength and wisdom, but Your supply is always unlimited. Therefore, I will trust in You that only Your will be done in my life no matter how difficult it may be. I live my life […] More

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    Pray for my enemies

    Dear Lord, I pray for my enemies. You have said in Your word that we should love those who hurt us. Father, may I find the strength not to retaliate and take vengeance upon people who have hurt me. Please allow me to exhibit your love despite the unpleasant things they are doing towards me. […] More

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    Help me to stand firm

    Almighty Father, may you allow me to learn from the problems I face each day. Please help me to remember each lesson that you are teaching me as I weather each storm that passes by. Help me to stand firm and build my house upon the rock – the Rock of my salvation. Thank you […] More

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    Pray for protection for our children

    Dear God, we pray for protection for our children especially when they are outside our home. Keep them away from the evil minds of others. Keep them safe from pain and harm. Allow them to grow individually and explore their God-given talents. Thank you for blessing us with these children. May we be a testament […] More

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    Serve one another with love

    Our God, we pray that you strengthen our marriages and our families. Allow us to serve one another with love. May the words that come out of our mouths uplift and edify one another. In the moments that we are alone, may we remember to be faithful and to do all actions in lieu of […] More

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    Pray for compassionate hearts

    Dear Father, we pray for the orphans and children who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. We pray for compassionate hearts to give them homes. We also pray that the church and us, Christians, will be able to step up and show your love by doing something to help solve the concerns for children. Help […] More

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    Open their hearts and minds

    Almighty Lord, we thank you for the opportunity to preach Your Word in our communities. Please help us to be bolder in proclaiming Your gospel. May we find the courage to tell people about Your love and what You did for them in the cross of calvary. Please open their hearts and minds. We thank […] More

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