I didn’t start out 2020 with a word or phrase to summarize my goals for the year…

I didn’t start out 2020 with a word or phrase to summarize my goals for the year. I’ve never been big on setting resolutions or anything similar.

I started out this year, just barely starting to make my faith my own & at a college that was not the best fit for me. I was struggling. quitting soccer at college was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done; I’d played for 10 years & couldn’t imagine my life without it. I realized that for so long, that’s where my identity was found: soccer & being an athlete.

after my spring semester ended, I transferred to go to college online at a different university which has been a much better fit. although it felt like my year started out on a pretty negative note, God was working.

I grew SO much throughout those months at that university. no matter how unpleasant it was, God used those moments to shape me into who I am today & the woman of God He wants to grow me into.

also, in March, Faithfully Adventuring was created! this account has truly been such a blessing from the Lord; from the growth I’ve experienced to the friends I’ve made, I couldn’t be more grateful that the Lord encouraged me to take that leap & start this page for His glory.

in May, I got engaged & married my best friend in June. I’ve had SO many people ask how & why & if I’m ready or if my husband and I were ready and the answer is YES. what worked for us may not work for everyone. but we were & still are sure that it was God’s plan for us. there were so many special moments that I’ll forever treasure.

adjusting to being fully independent from my parents was a little bit of an adjustment for me. but, once again, the Lord was faithful, grew me through the struggles & provided for Anthony & I.

being so far from my hometown, I ended up seeing some people’s true colors that weren’t very pretty. and it’s totally okay! I only have a few close friends. they are the absolute best & such gifts from God. quality over quantity, y’all.

continued in comments 🌿

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