This is the Inspire Prayer Galaxy Bible! It RELEASES TODAY along with a giant pr…

This is the Inspire Prayer Galaxy Bible! It RELEASES TODAY along with a giant print bible too! I love this bible and you would aswell! Go to @theinspirebible for more info!

First slide inspired by @rileysbible

#emmasbible #bibleverse #bibleart #biblejournalingideas #bible #biblejournaling #biblejournalingcommunity #journalingbible #inspirebible #inspireprayerbible #tyndalebibles #tyndalehouse #god #jesus #lord #faith #hope #love #truth #mercy #grace #mildliners #micronpens

Follow: @praisehimbro…

d a n c e with J E S U S, not the worldas christians, our worth is only found in…